the hits we keep taking in our global fight against terrorism, I’m gearing up in ‘05 to go up against the Pentagon’s increasingly out-of-control campaign to keep us all conned. The cover-ups track too often with more names added to the U.S. casualty list.
So here's my New Year’s resolution: to keep countering Pentagon lies with the truth until enough concerned citizens demand that Congress set up a congressional investigative arm to formally expose the liars and hold them accountable.
Okaaaaay. If Rummy & Spinners are into lying about signing KIA letters, then what really went down with WMDs in Iraq, and how is our $6 billion-a-month war in that sad, bloody land really going? And is the Pentagon truly busting its butt to provide our soldiers with sufficient armor protection, or is that spin, too?
The lying under the Rumsfeld regime seems to get worse daily. For example, the SecDef recently said the 9/11 aircraft that crashed in Pennsylvania was shot down – which is either very sloppy or very scary. Or both.
And following their head honcho’s lead, the Pentagon prevaricators have definitely gotten more skilled at pulling the wool over the eyes of all of us, starting with our congressional reps – who as our watchdogs should be first in line to ask hard questions.
The only way to change this sorry situation is for all of us to emulate Howard Beale in that great 1976 film, “Network,” when he stood tall and said, “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore!”