Well in recent days, while going about my daily live, and going to meetings such as DFA... I have heard the word Revolution. I have also heard it in coffee shops, as well as supermarket lines... I have also heard the words strike, as in economic strike, or labor strike. The word Resistance is also starting to crop up.
Now those of us who are students of history know that you only start to hear this in the parlance of a people when they feel desperate enough. We also know that when you start hearing this langauge, something fundamental is starting to percolate in the culture.
Now some people believe something major will happen in DC on the 20th, apart of the inaguration that is. Given the security aparatus about to be deployed we may, best case, see a Concord moment, not that the stenography Corp will cover it, so if you are there... take a compact camera, a notebook and take photos and notes. Remember you are the media and you may very well document a historic moment (and no I am not talking about the Coronation either)
So what is going on?
Here are some working theories from history...
1.- I am hearing what I want to hear, I will take this as a real possibility
2.- Some of us are starting to use language such as "destruction of social security," "cheap labor conservative," "Credit Card Party," "Clean election" "Every vote counts." This is starting to finally percolate into the consciousness, ever so slowly, and yes I did use that language at the election for my District. Hence some people are staring to connect some dots, and starting to wake up. Well I think this is, if present, a minor effect. We have not been at this for long enough nor do we have many mainstream outlets beyond AAR and Shultz, (ray tal and ward are also there)
3.- The Misery Index is rising even faster than most of us have been able to tabulate. When the gov'ment does not hide the numbers it is easy, hell they used to do it... thesse days, it is hard to track. If this is the case we may be getting close to the perfect storm.