will show you how the lower and middle class taxpayers subsidize the wealthiest 1 1/2 % of taxpayers, especially through the Social Security system.
Even conservative Republicans of the Concord Coalition variety should be enraged by the staged phoniness of the SS 'crisis'--- the real crisis is with healthcare, specifically Medicare. See Tom Abates' column "Medicare faces cost crisis" at
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2004/11/07/BUG0V9N54U1.DTL""In fact, the secretaries of the Treasury, Labor and Health and Human Services departments said just that in a March report, "The Status of the Social Security and Medicare Programs."
"Medicare's financial difficulties come sooner -- and are much more severe -- than those confronting Social Security,'' the report said. So why does Social Security rather than Medicare top the president's agenda?
"Because Social Security is the easier of the two problems to solve,'' said Texas A&M economist Thomas Saving, who signed the report as a public member of the Social Security and Medicare Trust Fund, the board that oversees the financial health of the two programs.
Saving said elected officials of both major parties have been unwilling to face the future costs of federal health care programs.
"I don't have to be as careful,'' said Saving, who outlined the Medicare problem in an analysis issued after the official report.
In his analysis, he writes, "Although policy-makers have focused on the long-run sustainability of Social Security, the financial problem in Medicare is five times as great.''
Looking more than 75 years into the future, Saving estimates that the nation faces a $62 trillion unfunded liability for Medicare -- versus a $12 trillion gap for Social Security.
Yet, he said, lawmakers created a prescription drug benefit that added nearly $17 trillion in future IOUs to that $62 trillion shortfall.""
Congress is crazy ! They just added $17 TRILLION to the medicare mess just to make themselves LOOK GOOD ???
This is the old Reagan era all over again: To pay for Reagan's 1981 tax cuts they had to create a Social Security 'crisis' and in 1982-83 they set up reforms that resulted in SS surpluses; then Congress had to pay for Reagan's defense spending and increased taxes in 1982, 1984,1986,1990, and 1993. The new fiscal discipline of the 1990s is out because a new administration of former Reaganites is back in power ! To pay for the tax cuts of Bush II in 2001 steered to the wealthiest 1 and 1/2% of taxpayer, they have to have the lower and middle classes fork over their healthcare and pension benefits, stripped from them by 'globalizing' corporations who say they need to compete with low cost labor markets whose citizens have no benefits at all (see Businessweek's "The Benefits Trap").
They are telling us that government will have no healthcare and retirement safety net functions and the full costs will be borne by the INDIVIDUAL. "We are not our brother's keeper" is the neocon battle cry.