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CBS to White House: "Thank you sir, may I have another"

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MikeG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-05 06:44 PM
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CBS to White House: "Thank you sir, may I have another"
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Nikepallas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-05 06:45 PM
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1. That and ever other TV news channels
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DemoTex Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-05 06:53 PM
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2. Bu$h just got his super-honorable discharge, courtesy CBS's scapegoats.
The AWOL issue is now officially KIA in the US press. History has been revised. Troops fighting courageously in Iraq-nam and Afganistan have been mocked. The First Ammendment takes yet another hit.

Maybe the new question should be: Who did Bu$h pay and when did he pay them to kill the AWOL issue?
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PurityOfEssence Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-05 07:04 PM
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3. Sumner Redstone is a fool
"...and when the bullet entered his brain, Winston loved Big Brother..."

(that's a paraphrase, sadly; moving too fast here...)

Redstone seems to think that he can kiss and make up with the administration and get his hoped-for loosening of the FCC restrictions.

He spoke in Japan before the election and specifically said that, although he considers himself a Democrat, he's voting Republican because it's better for his business. He would have spent his time better had he read Hunter S. Thompson's "Hells Angels". The lesson is this: when you draw a gun, you have to use it; if you don't, they'll kill you.

The administration will systematically destroy Viacom now, marginalizing it and chipping away at it while denying the all important access that has so many urinalists on their knees. The Bushies will demand concession after concession, firings, public immolation, penance and degradation, and after they've worn them down with all of that, they'll destroy them.

Never cross these people halfway; if you resist, you need to realize you've drawn the line and they are at war with you.
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DemoTex Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-05 09:59 PM
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4. The media are spinning this report like Minnesota Fats on a Q-ball.
Edited on Mon Jan-10-05 10:00 PM by DemoTex
The story of the CBS spinning might just join Armstrong Williams, according to an old Washington journalistic friend. Money there, too? Actually, I think that everywhere we lefties smell a rat, we are really smelling Bu$h money. It does, after all, smell like a rat. Fuck, I really do not what to believe anymore. Certainly not the corrupt Bu$h regime. But when is the alter-news planted by Rove and how do you tell it?

I think we - Democrats, Greens, Progressives - should concentrate 100% against Rove for 12 months. Burn Rove and his progeny, salt his fucking slime-pit of the earth, stake his heart (metaphorically, of course), co-op his tactics for the short-term gain, and kick his ass in 2008 (maybe in 2006).
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