Edited on Tue Jan-11-05 01:42 PM by DancingBear
Dr. Dean, I didn’t support you in the primaries. I was a Wes Clark man then, and still am, to this day. But as I look around, I see a Democratic Party in tatters, torn asunder by those wanting to strip away its core values and morph it into Elephant Lite. Its leaders, too fearful to take meaningful stands, hide behind “we’re just like them, only not all the time” shields, while those of us who know better watch the country creep towards fascism under the stolen rule of a madman.
As I look back, I remember your words in the primary, prophetic now. I read your announcement today, and I found those same words again. It is a take- no-prisoners attitude that says what needs to be said and, more importantly, stands up and announces to everyone that the other side is wrong. Not different, not misguided – wrong. Wrong as our civil liberties vanish, wrong as Inauguration Day is by Invitation Only, wrong as lie after lie after lie spews forth from 1600.
It is time now to stop America from becoming our worst nightmare, and we need a leader to wake us up. As we (correctly) build from the bottom up, we need a voice at the top of our party who is not afraid to take a stand, and a face to stand toe to toe against the onslaught.
I think you’re the guy.
Give ‘em hell, Howie.