I see people are still asking about the liberal thingy with Dean. Trying to be helpful here. This is a repost from a couple of weeks ago.
Howard Dean in an interview with Mike Hickerson in CA:
"I think we are the moderate folks. They can tag us with the word “liberal” or whatever they want, and there’s nothing wrong with “liberal”, believe me, but I don't think we should pay attention to that any more....I think we ought to keep going straight forward" http://www.breakfornews.com/articles/DeanInterview041230.htmSNIP.."I really think we should , instead of worrying about that there’s some other groups that want to move to the right, I think we ought to keep going straight forward. I think we are the moderate folks. They can tag us with the word “liberal” or whatever they want, and there’s nothing wrong with “liberal”, believe me, but I don't think we should pay attention to that any more.
That’s one thing I would do differently if I were ,if I had to go back and do it over again, I wouldn’t bother with the DLC or the retrograde(s) , their forces in the party, I would try to move forward on our own agenda. You get sucked in to letting somebody else frame the agenda, that’s a problem. We shouldn’t let the Republicans do it nor should we let the DLC or anybody else like that do it...."
This is a great interview by Mike, a staunch Howard Dean supporter.
From another site:
He is a member of the financial community based in Southern California, Mike Hickerson frequently writes commentary on financial issues, politics and the nexus where they collide. He worked for Howard Dean for America starting in 2002. Prior to that he worked for Clinton-Gore and is a member of Clinton-Gore alumni. He is a longtime Democratic activist, member of the Southern California Council of California for Democracy, Democracy for America, and leads a DFA Meetup for the Conejo and Simi Valleys northwest of Los Angeles, Ca.