"Call For Investigation Of Conduct By Swift Boat Veterans For Truth In Vietnam"
http://www.independent-media.tv/item.cfm?fmedia_id=8754&fcategory_desc=Under%20ReportedThis website
http://www.swiftboats.net/ allows for more actual crew and boat research.
It appears from Kerry's record that he commanded PCF 44 and PCF 94
http://www.johnkerry.com/about/john_kerry/service_timeline.htmlPCF 44
John Forbes Kerry, LTJG, OinC 12/68-1/69 An Thoi/Cat Lo Boston, MA
PCF 94
John Forbes Kerry, LTJG, OinC 2/69-3/69 An Thoi Boston, MA (replaced Peck - 1/30/69)
From past statements O'Neill has said that average service aboard a Swift boat was 12 months. Kerry's was about four months, from the swift site alone...
John O'Neill's takeover on Kerry's boat shows
John Ellis O'Neill, LTJG, OinC (email deleted) 9/69-3/70 An Thoi/Cat Lo Houston, TX
So O'Neill's service on the Swift boat was about six months. Ahem, Kerry's total service record of about 3 and 1/2 years is smeared by a guy who only served about 5 or 6 months on a swift boat and who told "Mainstreamedia" that the average service on a swiftboat waa 12 months:
"In the Swifts, says O'Neill, the average length of service was twelve months; John Kerry was in for four."
http://www.nationalreview.com/rose/rose200404211228.aspWhy isn't an investigation by MSM themselves being done ? The Lie Boat ! To top it off this guy O'Neill was badgering Kerry about claiming to be in Cambodia--which no one with or without security clearances would or should have been talking about--while himself making the claim to Pres. Nixon (discovered only because of the WhiteHouse taping system ! Thanks Dick)
http://www.washingtondispatch.com/spectrum/archives/000553.html .
The SBVFT should be investigated further and ALL of their lies exposed.
Beyond that, articles like "Nixon's Treason" should be examined further since the origin of October Surprise can be found there in 1968's scuttling of a potential peace agreement, that would have saved around 20,000 US troops, which many have speculated would have been identical to the 1973 accord.
The resulting Toledo Blade awardwinning articles that verify Kerry's Winter Soldier testimony, along with a viewing of Stanley Karnow's 'Vietnam: A History" on PBS, would also go a long way to explaining why these SBVFT are just attempting to rewrite history.
Sen Kerry served his country honorably and these attempts to smear him rightly deserve to be exposed in their full ugliness.