Edited on Tue Jan-11-05 07:30 PM by BlueInRed
First off, let me say I am for Dean, rather than Frost for DNC. I also really like Frost as a rep (on MOST things, some he has really ticked me off...)
Pro -- 1. He HATES Bush for kicking him out through TX redistricting. 2. He is willing to fight for what he believes. 3. He is a good guy. 4. He's articulate and an old hand at Sunday talk shows. 5. He's held a variety of leadership positions. 6. He has a lot of experience getting elected in a red state. 7. He'll know all the details of the laws and the history behind who did what to whom.
Con -- 1. He's a Tx conservative Democrat. I am almost certain he is DLC, though I never officially looked it up. 2. He's a Tx conservative Democrat. 3. He's a Tx conservative Democrat. 4. He's a Tx conservative Democrat. 5. He won't revamp the party, only tweak it. 6. I don't know how much he'll get the party revved up and excited. To me, it's more of the same, with some improvement. 7. He's not a "personality" -- more of a person who knows all the ins and outs of Congress and how to work the system.
I'd happily vote for Frost for my rep, but I want DEAN for DNC.
If you want to vote on the DLC side of things, Frost is much better than Roemer. I don't know how he stacks up against Rosenberg -- completely different kind of experiences. But I hope we don't get a DLC type.