Former Director of Internet Outreach for the Dean for President Campaign, Zephyr Teachout, offered her endorsement of Howard Dean for DNC Chair on MyDD and discussed the qualities that make Governor Dean right for the job:
Dean speaks in a blunt, straight way - he's funny, and he has a remarkable ability to listen, directly, to the people speaking to him. He's absolutely clearheaded about the fact that no political act has no cost. Every funding decision we make means there's another we can't - every choice is tied to every other choice. He's also very clearheaded about the difference between being a leader and demanding absolute fealty. He's happy to welcome right to lifers into the party, but that doesn't mean he's about to tone down his own strong views on family planning and a woman's freedom.
The single defining feature of Dean's political life, for me, is that he demands so much of the people around him, be they the people of Vermont, or his campaign, or this country. "The vote," he often says, "gets you a C. If you're going to be a citizen you've got to do a hell of a lot more than vote."
Zephyr gives a very nice endorsement.