Is this really the new face of the party?
His name is Marshall Wittmann, he has morphed from being a lobbyist for the Christian Coalition and Pat Robertson into a fellow at the DLC. He once called himself a neo-conservative.
Quote:...."But along the way, Wittman said, he became disenchanted with the “excesses of liberalism, particularly in areas of foreign policy and social policy at home.
Like other neo-conservatives, I gravitated to Ronald Reagan’s Republican Party.” Wittman served in the Department of Health and Human Services in the administration of George H.W. Bush, then was recruited by Rev. Robertson’s Christian Coalition." may have turned back to the Democratic side, and this is fine. However I find it ironic he is saying Howard Dean should not be chair. If he is against the extreme right wing, fine. But he should at least register as a Democrat, don't you think?
BUT I don't think he should be speaking as a face of the party.,0,546109.story?coll=la-home-headlinesSNIP.."But Marshall Wittmann, a former aide to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) who now works with the Democratic Leadership Council, the party's leading centrist organization, said Dean would be the wrong leader for the party at this time.
"The fundamental weakness of the Democratic Party is in red-state America, where they perceive Democrats as being secularists who are weak on national security," Wittmann said.
He expressed skepticism Dean would change that image.
a registered independent, also said the
next chairman would have to "thread the needle" of tackling the party's perceived weaknesses on national security and values without alienating the Democratic base." END SNIP
Are we really this afraid of just being Democrats? This truly worries me. This is what Dean was talking about when he said we would welcome others, but then he should we could talk about our values but not
change them for others.
I read his Bull Moose blog sometimes, and he says some good things. I just don't want him butting his nose into our party business so soon into his reconversion to Democrat.