Before Iowa became a tight race, conventional wisdom was that Dean would win Iowa and NH, and only 1 other contender would be able to survive, probably Clark but possibly Kerry. Then in a two-way race, The "anti-Dean" effect would take hold and the contender would sweep in to the nomination. Although he certainly is hurt by finishing 3rd, not winning Iowa I think was helpful. For Dean to win, he needs it to be a 3-way race going into Super Tuesday. The anti-Dean vote will be split and because of the way delegates get allocated with the 15% minimums, Dean winning in the high 30's low 40's will give him the delegate edge. Going into NH now, we have 4 legitimate contenders, and unless Clark finishes behind Edwards, that will be the case into Feb. Ideally, Dean would like Clark to establish himself to prolong the Clark-Edwards battle for the south, while holding Kerry at bay. Clark, Dean, Kerry, Edwards is probably Deans best results at this point, although he would obviously enjoy coming in first. At this point, I think Dean would only be truly crippled by finishing 4th or worse.