Edited on Wed Jan-12-05 02:03 PM by Bleachers7
I really wanted to tell him how I felt without being too wordy or telling him off. I doubt this will lead to anything, but I sent it. ______________________________________________________________________
First I just want to wish you and your staff a Happy and productive New Year. I am writing today to ask you to help improve the voting situation in our nation. As you know, last week there was an objection to the Ohio vote count. The root of that objection is our voting systems and practices. Each state and even each county have different voting laws, machines, procedures and customs. Some states allow felons to vote, others don’t. Some counties count provisional ballots from the county, others only count them from the proper precinct. The only thing each polling place has in common is that they hang the flag. Other than that, it’s a mess. There is also a problem with voting machines. In some states there are electronic voting machines that don’t require any kind of paper receipt or other tangible acknowledgment of voters will. This is a major problem. If there is one glitch like the many that have been documented since Election Day, then thousands of votes are lost or damaged. This is simply unacceptable.
I have heard that some congressman support a constitutional amendment that entitles everyone with the right to vote. I ask you to please seriously consider supporting such an amendment. I also would like to work with your office on this issue if you are serious about improving our system. I will work hard to get you the information you need. I’ll even travel to D.C. on my own time if it will help you.
Finally, I’d like to make a more personal request. I see you in the press a lot, but not on C-Span or on the Congressional record. It would be great to see you speak on the record more often.