Screw this divisiveness. It's only evident in online forums. Here's what I see in REAL LIFE out there (note to tirelessly posting DUers---if you have a window, look out of it. If you have a door, open it and look out. THAT is real life.)
The Kerry people are very active in our Prgessive caucus. They have reinvigorated the local dem clubs with their enthusiasm.
The Lieberman people are tireless volunteers staffing our phones and volunteering at Union phone banks.
The Clarkies are hugely enthusiastic and dedicated progressives, joining with DFA often to work for a new party.
The Dean people are having meetings weekly to discuss strategy and articulating a campaign to get local candidates elected statewide.
Kucinich people are writing letters and stuffing envelopes for our progressive Mayoral candidate.
Graham people, Sharpton people, Mosely Braun People, and all the people are here and working with us, keeping their eyes on the prize.
They are all enthusiastics, dedicated DEMOCRATS who each have their own viewpoint and talents to bring to the table.
And we all get along, united against what we see as a COMMON ENEMY.
Of course, without face to face, things degenerate quickly online, but what goes on at DU rarely manifests itself in Real Life. So beat the shit out of each other here, the fact is, what happens at DU is meaningless letters on a screen. What happens in Real Life affects people and that at the end of the day, is what matters.
Love you guys. Mean it.