... that would have been the case.
I am convinced that Bush will take the next election -- by deceit, by treachery, by design and by default. Here's a list of why that is most likely:
- Rigged voting machines - Suppression of exit polling to check against votes - Ability to create a crisis on demand - Probable trial of Saddam Hussein next Summer - Possible troop withdrawl from Iraq - Possible capture of Osama bin Laden - Heavy gerrymandering in Texas, Pennsylvania, and several other states - Enormous GOP war chest to finance saturation advertising - Press goes full-negative on the Democratic candidate - Possibility of violence at Republican National Convention in NYC - Improving economy, that is, Dow-Jones Industrial Average - Piqued Democrats whose candidate(s) lost stay home
The day after the election is over, "buyer's remorse" will set in. On March 31, 2005, the Draft will be reinstated, gasoline will be $4/gallon, and the DJIA will begin its death-slide to 2500.
Is there any good news? Yes. Bush is probably the last Republican president. The party itself will probably disband around 2012 after losing members to the rival New Whig Party.
Unless we give it the proverbial 110%.