couple of snips:
bill scher(Liberal Oasis): can you have a mandate for reform if you don't lay out the more controversial aspects, or if you win by a close by a close vote? asking about pushback for reform.
howard says he wont' win the lection if people don't want to change. we know we need to change, the question is "are people willing to do it now and make the changes we need to make to win?" electoral reform, education reform, health care reform, foreign policy reform...
rick klau: mentions the lack of state infrastructure. asks howard how he'll help with this problem. how do we fix this? howard says...
not going to shut down DFA, some state parties will progress faster than others. DFA is a long way ahead of the folks in washington. we must challenge every race. if the DNC doesn't want to do this, then DFA will. doing legal research on whether he can continue to work with DFA if he's elected chair.aldon hynes: asks about DNC chair split position. any
thoughts on a split chairmanship? howard says that's impossible, there has to be clear lines of authority. says in the three times this has happened, people have been forced out.
From Anna:
my follow up: i asked whether -
if he wins - he would be willing to try and bring the other candidates onto his team at the DNC (i mentioned fowler & rosenberg)? howard says
absolutely; i'm not a particularly vindictive person. very inclusive, best way to run campaigns is to include everybody who's willing to work with you in a positive way.
says donnie and simon are very talented and he would love to take advantage of their respective talents.More at her blog.