Hope she doesn't mind....
Date: Wed Jan 12, 2005 9:52 pm
Subject: Clark said "I haven't ruled anything out!" (at tonight's DC event!!)
And the crowd went wild!
(Here's my read-out.... This is a somewhat short version, but I know Dom and others will post a more detailed one in the coming days. )
General Clark appeared at a meet/greet/thank you/fundraising event tonight in Washington, DC. I was there along with many other bloggers, including Dom (KnightRider), Howard Park, John Hlinko, et al. It was so great to see everyone, it really was a great time. But it was very bittersweet because everyone was reminiscing about where we were this year last time. There was a bus trip traveling up to New Hampshire from Virginia, and well, you all know where the campaign and everything was at this time last year.
The event started at 6p.m., and Wes showed up around 6:30ish. He had just taped Hardball a bit earlier. (So those of us at the event didn't get to see his Hardball appearance.)
We met at in a private dining area upstairs in a restaurant called Childe Harold's in the DuPont Circle area of DC. Very cool place -- Bruce Springsteen and some others got their start performing there! Anyway, the General worked the room, and it was a great turn-out --not sure of the head count, but it was enough so that the room was very full, but yet many of us had plenty of time to chat with General Clark individually.
Unfortunately, General Clark had just about LOST HIS VOICE earlier this afternoon!! So he was drinking tea and doing as best he could to chat with all of us.
Howard Park gave an introduction, Chris Ambrose (who is VERY active in Virginia) said a few words, and then Clark spoke. At one point he got so frustrated with his voice he pounded a fist on the banister where he was standing and said how frustrated he was! It made it even more sincere and, frankly, inspiring that he would stand up there and talk to us about making our voices heard, even though he could hardly speak! But his voice did come back stronger after a bit.
His speech was great, as usual, and he spoke about most things that we'vealready heard and that have been posted here already, but he emphasized again HOW IMPORTANT it is to make our voices heard by writing letters to the editor, making phone calls, etc. He said that we might not always get responses, but he said you better believe that they get READ. He then moved on to assessing "where are we now" - he noted that Iraq is a mess and this administration keeps
blaming it on the military, and we've alienated potential regional allies with our actions, etc.
He said we have to stop the name-calling and divisiveness in our country, and noted that CNN's removal of Crossfire and Tucker Carlson (to which there were a lot of hisses and boos) is a major step in that direction.
He also talked about his Hardall appearance and how Chris Matthews was asking him the wrong questions, such as "do Dems now need to move to the right, or more to the left" -- Clark said we need to show the country what our values ARE, and NOT let us be labeled by the Republicans.
And then he gave us an update on what's going on in the rest of his life, and he said his family's doing great -- Gert didn't attend this, but he said she's working hard as usual, helping him, etc. He said they were in L.A. over the holidays visiting his son, and little Wesley the Third was walking by 10.5 months, and at 12.5 months, he took a tangerine out of the General's hand, threw it on the floor, and said "BALL!" ...Very cute!
Wes also said he's very busy with his business ventures -- AND THEN, without any prodding, he paused, and then said, "As for the future, well - just know I haven't ruled ANYTHING out." To which the room exploded with applause and hollers.
To have him standing there right in front of us, saying it so bluntly, it's very clear that, well, he just hasn't ruled anything out!!
It was a great event and the General was fantastic and inspiring!