Edited on Thu Jan-13-05 12:13 AM by genius
To allow us to make intelligent decisions, we need to present concerns, issues and information and discuss them as we would any other subject we are researching so as to make the best decision. Too often, here, when people present ideas that are viewed as something supporters of one candidate don't people to be reminded of or know about, they attack the person who brings these up. The original poster was probably not seeking to bash but was wanted an honest discussion. Honest discussion is not bashing and those who seek it should not be attacked or labeled bashers. I am tired of seeing people using Rovian tactics in responding to questions and concerns. We need to be open-minded. All candidates have weaknesses and sometimes it helps to allow undecideds to explore why those weaknesses are important or are less important than the candidates strengths. Sometimes the people asking the question or bringing up an issues are on your side but need more information to decide how important their concerns are.