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FAIR's newsletter article on NBC's social security coverage-way to act

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kamqute Donating Member (298 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-13-05 01:10 AM
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FAIR's newsletter article on NBC's social security coverage-way to act
NBC Short on Social Security "Crisis" Critics

January 12, 2005

The debate over George W. Bush's plan to privatize Social Security seems
to be heating up, and some media outlets are beginning to notice the flaws

in the White House's argument that there is an imminent "crisis" in the
decades-old government program. On the January 11 NBC Nightly News
broadcast, anchor Brian Williams seemed to be addressing that issue,
introducing a segment by noting that "critics say he's exaggerating the
problem to sell his plan, while not yet talking about big cuts in future
retiree benefits."

But the report that followed included no such critics of the
administration's "crisis" rhetoric. There was certainly room for such
opinions, considering that NBC quoted Bush making a glaring exaggeration
in describing the plan: "So if you're 20 years old, in your mid-20s, and
you're beginning to work, I want you to think about a Social Security
system that will be flat bust." None of the projections of Social
Security's future contend that the system will be "flat bust"; even by
Social Security trustees' pessimistic assumptions, the system will always
be able to pay more to future retirees than current recipients get
(Economic Reporting Review,, 12/6/04).

But NBC correspondent David Gregory failed to check Bush's comment,
following up only by mentioning that "before settling on a final proposal,
aides say the president needs more time to define the problem, one he
calls a crisis." One would hope that a journalist would be more
interested in pointing out that Bush's attempt to "define the problem"
a "crisis" apparently involves wild exaggerations.

NBC did include comments from one worker who was worried about future
benefit cuts in Social Security. His fears were balanced by a soundbite
from David John, billed by NBC as a "Social Security Analyst" and one
the "supporters of the benefit cut." Left unmentioned, however, was
John's institutional affiliation: He works for the conservative Heritage
Foundation, one of the most active pro-privatization think tanks in the

It's good that NBC is at least referring to the existence of "criticism
that the president is exaggerating the need for change." But NBC would
better serve its viewers by actually including those views in its reports.

Encourage NBC Nightly News to expand its coverage of Social Security to
include experts who believe Bush's claims of an imminent Social Security
"crisis" are untrue.

NBC Nightly News
Phone: (212) 664-4971

As always, please remember that your comments have more impact if you
maintain a polite tone. Please send a copy of your correspondence to
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shraby Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-13-05 01:41 AM
Response to Original message
1. I emailed them
Edited on Thu Jan-13-05 01:46 AM by shraby
Here is a copy of my letter.

Since David John the "Social Security Analyst" is affiliated with the conservative Heritage Foundation and this fact wasn't mentioned in your piece, I'm wondering if the host of your show is another paid shill for President Bush and his desire to "reform" the Social Security program. In this case reform being a synonym for "eliminating" the program.

It is imperative in accurate, fair and responsible journalism to let your viewers know a little about the "expert" who is giving his advice so the viewer is able to make a educated, reasoned opinion of the subject being discussed.

Every time a program like this has a shill for Bush's agenda, I'm going to let them know I wonder if he has hired the host. Maybe if they get enough of these kinds of letters, they will compensate by leaning a little more to the left.

edited to add
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depakid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-13-05 01:59 AM
Response to Original message
2. Expect every single TV "news" outlet to lie
And lie profusely about this issue.

I will be very surprised if the "issue" (the non-issue) is ever discussed honestly-
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zann725 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-13-05 02:31 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. We just need to keep exposing how they're being PAID to 'P.R."
the Admin's policies, with NO basis in reality.
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