Here in Louisiana our Governor, Kathleen Blanco, touted at the convention as a new, up-and-coming leader of the Democratic party, couldn't see fit to campaign for Kerry. After the election, she made the statement that he was too "far to the left and radical" for Louisiana, and she couldn't bring him to places here that might otherwise have been a "good fit" for him as far as supporting his candidacy. She also did not say if she voted for him or not. Sounds like she was a BIG help, wasn't she? Now we have her good buddy as our new head of the state Democratic party. In an interview the day after he was elected, he was asked if his company would still contribute heavily to the Republican Party, as it had in the past. (A majority of their contributions) His response was that "the company would continue to support those that help the company the most". Great....just great, isn't it? It's really fun being a progressive Democrat in Louisiana..........