I have been developing a list of anti-war websites and other resources to add to my site and I'd love your input. What sites should I definitely not miss? Are there actions planned soon where you are?
I am so tired of the complicity of the American media in this ill conceived, poorly executed disaster of a war. You do not see the victims of Bush's war in this country. In a country who's freedom of the press is guaranteed, why do I have to go to Al Jazeera for photos of the real war that is being waged over there?
Conservative estimates put the civilian death toll in the country at over 50,000 others are as high as 100,000. Yet the military and CIA estimate the size of the insurgency at 20,000 fighters. With a ratio like that we are training a whole generation of Iraqi's to kill Americans!
We MUST act to END this war NOW before it comes over HERE!
Help me spread the info you are not getting from CNN, MSNBC and (needless to say) Fox!
Distressed American