This is like the Williams deal only at a much higher level of distortion.
"No Place to Hide" multimedia investigation – for print, radio and television – led by Robert O’Harrow, Jr. and the Center for Investigative Reporting. January 2005
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This unique multimedia investigation uncovers in unnerving detail the post-9/11 marriage of private data services and government anti-terror initiatives. Led by Robert O’Harrow, Jr., award-winning reporter for The Washington Post and an associate of CIR, “No Place to Hide” shows how the government now depends on burgeoning private reservoirs of information about almost every aspect of our lives to protect homeland security and fight the war on terror.
With unrivaled access, “No Place to Hide” tells the inside stories of key players in this new world – from software inventors to counterintelligence officials – and examines the impact of the new security system on our traditional notions of civil liberties, autonomy and privacy. This eye-opening examination takes readers, viewers and listeners behind the walls of secrecy to show how we are rushing towards a surveillance society with few rules to guide and protect us. In this new world of high-tech domestic intelligence, there is literally no place to hide.
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READ No Place to Hide, by Robert O’Harrow, Jr., published by Free Press (division of Simon & Schuster). Available in bookstores now.
LISTEN to “No Place to Hide,” produced by John Biewen and Robert O’Harrow for American RadioWorks. Begins airing on public radio stations Wednesday, Jan. 12th.
WATCH "Peter Jennings Reporting: No Place to Hide," produced by Peter Bull for PJ Productions. Airs on ABC at 10 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 20th.
VISIT the “No Place to Hide” web site to learn more about each of the multimedia components, to read a book excerpt, to join us for “No Place to Hide” screenings and events, and much more:* * *
This project was made possible in part by support to CIR from the Ford Foundation, Deer Creek Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York, and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
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Center for Investigative Reporting
131 Steuart Street, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94105-1238
p: 415-543-1200
f: 415-843-8311