This is a transcript from a Clark supporter who was there (taped): Clark: "It's great to see everybody, I'm really sorry,... but I got laryngitis, but I want to thank Howard Park and all who contriubuted to the campaign. I loved every minute of it!.. First, your voices,....indiviudual voices,....never underestimate the power of the email or a letter to the editor! Never be discouraged, because eventually they'll all read it. It makes a difference!,... so continue to have a voice. So, where are we in the country right now,.... In Iraq, they're going to have an elections that in all probability will only deepen the conflict,...(yet) we have an administration that persists on blaming the military,... We have to support the military,... they're doing a great job!
(Instead) this is due to the specific policies of this administration for refusing to talk to the Syrians and the Iranians, ...refusing to engage in diplomacy in the region, ...and refusing to a policy platform to engage the Sunni muslims.
This has been a faliure, NOT of the military, but of the vision of the leadership! We must remember to always hold them accountable! (clapping) ...and NOT the military. There are more problems that exist from ((((international.. inaudible))) security risks that will be like a roller coaster ride in the coming months... and at home.
Second, Where are we (economically)? The truth is that the job creation machine is still sputtering ...
See, today on Hardball, CM asked, "Does the Democratic Party need to move to the right or should it move more to the left? "
It's the wrong question!! The Democratic Party is not about where it is on the spectrum,.. it's has to have real answers based on "Convictions" and "Values"...
We have to,...(Clark then pauses as he struggles to speak).. "this is so fustrating" .. (followed by cheers to support and encourage him on)...
We don't have an answer, ....we know that free trade is a good concept, ....but it's not so good when you have China taking ALL our manufacturing output, we know we have to protect some American manufacturing base,..it's good fiscal policy,...it makes sense!
We know education is important, but we don't know how to fix public education from "no child left behind"...
We know the medical system needs fixing,..
WE know what Americans thirst for - is their identification with their own values, WE believe in the values of spirit, ... WE believe taking care of people, ... WE believe in helping them be all that they can be, ... WE believe in lifting people up and inspiring them to do more, ... WE believe in not discriminating!
We don't write people off! ... We don't diss people off! ... We don't put people down ...
WE Lift Them Up!
There are no greater values, but somehow that message has to resonate with the American people
We got to come together around simple clear cut answers on issues Americans are worried about. ...Jobs, ...Health, ...Security, ...Immigration, ...and we got to show our values!
Do you know what CM said was most important thing Bush said in the elections, "You know where I stand",...but CM asked me, "but do you know where Democrats stand?"
Of course CM, wants me to say "No",...
Truth is, we've been branded by the Republicans. They think we stand for ..."higher taxes," ..."more federal control", ..."more litigation", ....
What we got to do is start "branding" like the Republicans!
We (Dems) stand for what's important!
Now, in addition to getting our message right, we've got to get our message machine right,.. ..
So I encourage you to think about (pauses, then emphasizes deliberately)...
..The Way That Ideas Are Expressed!
(For example),...now, at the start of this campaign, somebody said, "don't use the term "partial birth abortion",..because that feeds into the Republican mindset,...in fact 'tax relief' supports the Republicans.
What we've ought to talk about is, for example, that, "God loves a cheerful giver", ..that's what my minister says every week in church. We've got to do our share!
We've got to stop the name calling in politics,... Now Tucker Carlson on CNN as you've heard has moved away from Crossfire,..(grins and laughter, while someone made farting sounds, sound effects only) now that's an impotant trend-setting step, but...
Now we want to support Air America,.. and we've got to tell our journalists to use the "F" word A-LOTl more often, ... "F Word?", my friend asks,..
I said,.."FACTS!!" (laughter)
You're all wonderful,..I really appreciate seeing you, ..it was great seeing you all, and I'm sorry my about my voice ...
Clark then took off his political hat, then talked about his family at this point, he joikingly boasted that grandparent brag about their grandchildren,.. and he did, ie) moderately humble about Wes III, of course.
Clark also spoke about getting his business interests in focus, keeping WesPAC alive...
In closing, Clark adds;
It's not the politics, it's policy, ...It's whats good for America! It's what, we, as American represent!
It's not "Who",...It's "What" and "Why', those are the key pronouns.
What we want to do is help shape that policy ...
As for the Clark's, who knows,...like I said, ...
I haven't ruled anything out!