The real problem of the democratic party. Specifically the "winnowing down" of each candidate based on one issue or so, thus casting aside another candidate who doesn't hold this litmus test view.
First, Howard Dean is not dissimilar to other candidates. Many of his views are similar to views held by Kucinich, Clark, Kerry, et al. I'm not doing the research for you, there are similarities between many of the candidates...you want someone who didn't VOTE for the war, the go Kucinich, Clark, Sharpton...You want someone who doesn't like Bush, vote any of them. There are a myriad of issues that are similar, far more than are different.
Second, Howard Dean is not the first populist to run a campaign, nor will he be the last. If it is any indication, his showing in Iowa didn't show much of a populist movement at all. Sure, that's only Iowa you might say, but what about Idaho, North Dakota, Alaska...? I find it hard to conceive of a firebrand that moonlights as a populist, seeing as how many people don't exactly feel comfortable with that manner of discourse. Some people may not like the president but still respect the office... I hardly think Dean is a populist of any great magnitude, just the one who got to carry that mantle in this race. Look at Edwards or Kucinich, look at the people who have shown up for these guys.
Third, Dean didn't/won't save the democratic party. I understand the support, I feel like Clark is something special also, but I make no bones about it that Clark will change some small things in the party, inching us over to a more copacetic position on the political scale. I am sure every candidates supporters feel this way, and they are right. Truthfully though, we won't have a new invigorated democratic party that sheds all vestiges of its former self. Every candidate has the opportunity to bring new people into the party. What good are the new people in the party if they leave if their "dog" doesn't win the race. Are we sunshine democrats or are we here for the long haul?
Seriously, think about it. We are all mad at George Bush and his cronies. We want them out at all costs, right?! Don't give me the crap about voting on principle, not one of the candidates are pure and like I said before I challenge any one of you to take a view from your candidate that is unique and not be able to find a similar one with another candidate or it's reasonable alternative.
Voting on principle is getting that jerk out of office.