In December, Kerry pumped nearly $7 million in personal loans into his campaign to get through the early primaries, supplementing more than $20 million in contributions from others.
Spokeswoman Cutter declined to say how much cash the Kerry campaign had on hand, but said the Massachusetts senator's December loans are expected to see him through the seven Feb. 3 primaries before he will have to decide whether to put more of his own money into the race.
Another hopeful, Wesley Clark (news - web sites), was seeking to capitalize on his absence from the Iowa voting. His campaign sent a fund-raising e-mail Tuesday telling donors the race is wide open and that Clark must redouble his efforts to win.
Clark campaign chairman Eli Segal said the retired general started the new year with $10 million to $12 million in the bank, and expects to raise more than $3.5 million in January.