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MSNBC's anti-climatic headline: "Iraq is new magnet for terrorists"

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Bush_Eats_Beef Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-05 06:48 AM
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MSNBC's anti-climatic headline: "Iraq is new magnet for terrorists"
Remember, boys and girls...freedom is on the march.

Iraq a new terror breeding ground
War created a haven, CIA advisers report
By Dana Priest
Updated: 10:41 p.m. ET Jan. 13, 2005

Iraq has replaced Afghanistan as the training ground for the next generation of "professionalized" terrorists, according to a report released yesterday by the National Intelligence Council, the CIA director's think tank.

Iraq provides terrorists with "a training ground, a recruitment ground, the opportunity for enhancing technical skills," said David B. Low, the national intelligence officer for transnational threats. "There is even, under the best scenario, over time, the likelihood that some of the jihadists who are not killed there will, in a sense, go home, wherever home is, and will therefore disperse to various other countries."

Low's comments came during a rare briefing by the council on its new report on long-term global trends. It took a year to produce and includes the analysis of 1,000 U.S. and foreign experts. Within the 119-page report is an evaluation of Iraq's new role as a breeding ground for Islamic terrorists.

President Bush has frequently described the Iraq war as an integral part of U.S. efforts to combat terrorism. But the council's report suggests the conflict has also helped terrorists by creating a haven for them in the chaos of war. "At the moment," NIC Chairman Robert L. Hutchings said, Iraq "is a magnet for international terrorist activity."

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rodeodance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-05 07:29 AM
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1. another article I was reading this am. says this is not so
Edited on Fri Jan-14-05 07:31 AM by rodeodance
Or-at least there is not much evidence to support this statement.
Sorry, but I cannot recall where I read this.
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sendero Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-05 07:36 AM
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2. An outcome that was not only predictable...
... but expected. This is news?
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The Backlash Cometh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-05 08:50 AM
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3. Gee, and was there any investigative reporting offered to explain how it
got to be that way?
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Englander Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-05 09:29 AM
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4. Somebody buy MSNBC a dictionary,& a few history books....
Since when is a "terrorist" someone who is engaged in a rebellion against an illegal military occupation?

When was there ever any Saddam Hussein/al qaeda link? Never, not "circumstanial".

Who helped to train,& funded the mujahideen back in the '80s,in Afghanistan?

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