STRETCHING THE TRUTH! George Bush lied in Josh Wright’s face. And David Gregory knew not to tell you: THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2005
STRETCHING THE TRUTH: Is it news when a president baldly deceives a panel of decent, average Americans? To the Washington press corps, that just isn’t news—if the president’s name is George Bush. On Tuesday morning, Bush baldly misstated elementary facts about Social Security at his hyped public forum (see THE DAILY HOWLER, 1/12/05). Indeed, how contemptuous was Bush’s performance? In yesterday’s post, we left out the part when he lied in the face of a 27-year-old dairy farmer from Utah. The young dairy farmer’s name is Josh Wright. Try to believe that Bush said it:
IN HONOR OF MARSHALL’S SUPERLATIVE WORK: Josh Marshall has done superlative work in assembling his list of the Fainthearted Faction—Democratic members of Congress who won’t step up on Social Security. Today, we start a list of their press corps auxiliary—scribes like Gregory, who simply won’t tell you when George Bush lies in the face of the people. We’ll add to the club as the days go on. Tomorrow, we induct John Roberts:
Pandering Poobahs of Positivity
1) David Gregory, NBC News (Gregory’s pet name is “Stretch”)