I compiled this, as we need to be very sure what they are about. They are attempting to excuse Armstrong's behavior by unjustly turning it on our side. Here are some thoughts on this.
Zephyr's Miscalculation
Kos speaks out loudly.
"Fact is, my consulting work for Dean was noted in over a dozen
articles written at the time. And it was disclosed in this post, and in a
front-page disclaimer, right under the site logo. (See the site on the Way
Back Machine, and also notice how the Meetup graphic was for the Democratic
Party, not the Dean campaign.)
So what's going on? Zephyr is obsessed with imposing journalistic standards
on the blogosphere. We can debate the merits of this issue, and good points
can be made on both sides (I think it's a dumb idea).
But what Zephyr did,
and which I find unconscionable, is that she took the Armstrong Williams
issue, and made up shit about our involvement with the Dean campaign to
score points.And "made up sh*t" is the right way to word it.
Jerome created the first
Dean website in early 2002. He created the first Dean-centric blog. He
signed up the Dean campaign for MeetUps and convinced Trippi to promote the
In other words, Jerome was the father of the Dean netroots. That's
why the Joe Trippi (not Zephyr!) eventually hired "us" (and by "us", I mean
Jerome). "END SNIP
Zephyr Teachout: Donkey Splat
http://www.mydd.com/story/2005/1/13/231623/665Jerome defends himself and Kos.
Jerome admirably defends himself.
It was well known about Kos...Long article here.
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2004/01/15/BAGR14A8Q71.DTLWeb forum shapes political thinking
Dean consultant in Berkeley builds 'blog' into influential tool
Rob Morse, Chronicle Staff WriterThursday, January 15, 2004
SNIP..."On a modest street in the flats of Berkeley there's a little yellow
behind a shabby fence. It's one of those places you expect to find a pit
bull, but instead you find a bright young mayor of a city of about 70,000
liberal activists, writers, kibitzers, kidders and some folks who clearly
have a lot of time on their hands.
The city that Markos Moulitsas Zuniga runs isn't named Berkeley. It's called
Daily Kos ("Kos" was Moulitsas' Army nickname) and it's a city in the
metaphorical sense, reached by mouse and keyboard.
Daily Kos is a political Web log, or "blog," an online diary where diarists
can post anything they want.
The political blogosphere is divided into right
and left halves, and this one is on the liberal side. It's run by a man
who is a paid consultant for Democratic presidential hopeful Howard Dean,
although he will accept any Democrat instead of President Bush."EMD SNIP
This was pretty well known to most of us. I think most folks knew it.
In addition it was linked from his blog in about these words:
"Disclosure: I do some consulting work for Howard Dean," and linked to a
longer explanation of same.http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/1/13/202455/871More from Kos on this. He is discussing it with Instapundit.
And from the Zephyr Teachout statement:
http://zonkette.blogspot.com/2005/01/financially-interested-blogging.html"This is now getting routine – Simon Rosenberg hired Matt Stoller,
presumably not just because he’s got good ideas, but because he already has
a “commentator,” “spokesperson,” role within the blogging media. The scale
is infinitely smaller, but its odd to live in a world where we don’t blink
when commentators are hired as spokespeople. Imagine Howard Dean hiring
Maureen Dowd!"
More about Stoller:
Blogging of the President is a group blog done by a number of people. The
editor is Matt Stoller. He can be reached at matt@bopnews.com. Chris Lydon,
Stirling Newberry, Jay Rosen, Ellen Nagler, Barry Ritholz, Ian Welsh, Marcy
Wheeler, Zephyr Teachout, Ally Giard, Justin Krebs, and Josh Koenig
contribute.END SNIP
Zephyr, huh. And Trippi loudly endorsed Rosenberg. Maybe we have a whole lot of paid consultant stuff going around. You think?
Newberry and Stoller were Clark bloggers. If they were paid we have the same thing there. Did Kerry have paid consultants who blogged?
Will the Democrats let Armstrong Williams be let off or will they speak out?