This was transcribed by someone at the blog who does this frequently, a volunteer."Colmes: You said on Meet the Press, it could take some time to bring the Party together, diverse factions. You said, "I really fried the Party when I was out there running for President." What did you mean by that?
Dean: Well, you know, I think there's a
tendency within the Party—inside Washington, not so much outside Washington—towards the Stockholm Syndrome. That is, you kind of drift towards the winner. In this case, the winner turns out to be a fairly right wing president.
And I think it's a tendency inside Washington to think that if we can only be a little
more like the Republicans, then we can win."On the Inauguration:
SNIP..."Dean: I personally, Alan, believe that these inaugurations are too glitzy, whether it's Bill Clinton's inauguration or George Bush's. I mean, for 40 million dollars, think what you can do for people all over America, or in other parts of the world, to help them. I really hope that we'll start toning this down. The American people don't need an enormous, privately-financed celebration.
And the other thing that bothers me so much about this inauguration is that at least when Bill Clinton spent, it was derived mostly from small donors and souvenir sales. This inauguration is being paid for by lobbyists who are then going to ask the Bush Administration for favors, and I think that's a bad way to start your term...."SNIP.."You said you are from the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party. That upset some people who have perhaps other views than you do about where the Democratic Party should go.
I don't mind differences of opinion at all. I've said before, there are good people in our Party who are pro-life. We ought to embrace those people, because our Democrats who remain pro-life really believe in protecting children not just before birth but after birth.
Colmes: Has the Democratic Party made a mistake up until now not embracing the pro-life position enough?
Well, I didn't say we should embrace the pro-life position. What I said is that we ought to embrace our pro-life members with respect, because they will take care of children after birth and not just worry about what happened before ..."SNIP..."Colmes: Is Hillary the candidate in 2008 if she wants it?
Dean: You know, certainly as a potential DNC Chairman, I would never answer a question like that.
(Colmes and Dean chuckle.)
Dean: We'll see. There will be many people running. They'll all be good. And we'll treat them all the same. "