It is not enough to simply criticize the Republicans. We must present a plan that contrasts sharply with Bush and the Repubs. We cannot continue on the present path that the Republicans have taken us. We must change course.
We cannot continue to spend billions of dollars more than we are taking in. There is no free lunch. Average Democrats and Republicans across this country understand that. We cannot continue to spend as if there is no tomorrow. We must offer a plan to bring these deficits down.
We should propose that we return to the same tax structure that Bill Clinton had during his tenure, at least on the top incomes of this nation. Yes, they can say we want to raise taxes if they wish. But there is no free lunch and the people know it.
We should offer an alternative to save Social Security also. By raising the income ceiling to $200,000, we can save about 70% of the money that Bush and the Repubs want to change in their SS plan. Also, we should propose that every penny that is borrowed from the SS fund must be repaid. It is not going to be written off. We must hold the Repubs feet to the fire on that issue. It is they that have spent the bulk of the Social Security fund - mostly due to their taxbreak for the wealthy. Although both Parties have spent the monies of the SS fund, Republicans have spent far more than the Democratic presidents. Just a fact.
Also, we should offer an alternative to the war in Iraq. We should propose that we start pulling our troops out of that country as soon as possible after the elections. It is up to the Iraqi people to save their country, in the final analysis. It is not worth the lives that are being wasted in that ill-advised invasion.
Those three issues would be a good place for Democrats to start. It is not good enough to simply sit back and criticize or play defense. We must present a more sane policy to the American people in order to not only save our Party, but to save our country. We can wait no longer.