’s apparent now that the right wing blogosphere, conservative newspapers and FNC will attempt to attach the credibility of all lefty bloggers and try to make the blogosphere their own. Right wing attach poodles like Robert Novak immediately went on the offensive as a response to the outing of Armstrong Williams, a paid Republican hack for the DOE. Bill O’Reilly’s segment on Friday night underscored what will happen in the days to come. To have on Hugh Hewitt as O’Reilly’s only guest and let him blather on about right wing bloggers as "Gods," is their way to label all left wing bloggers as hacks and democratic foils.(Video of O'Reillys with Hewitt.
I have a copy of Hewitt’s book" Blog" and while he goes on about the new wave of media, it is merely a cover to promote everything republican. In his introduction section he spews on about how he believed George Bush won the first debate! Pg.XIII : I believed George W. Bush had won the debate, and that John Kerry had committed terrible blunders. Very few pundits agreed with me. I was right.(Is this book about blogging?) Most pundits and polls showed Bush got a big bounce from the RNC and it was only after the first debate that John Kerry began to eat away a chunk of that lead.
To further illustrate his hackiness, Hewitt claims that he and his fellow right wing bloggers take full responsibility in defeating John Kerry’s election bid. Edited slightly Pg. XIX" If he ever had a chance of being president, it ended not with the appearance of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and John O’Neal’s book Unfit for Command, but with the jump from the book and a few stories by outside the mainstream sources to a credible, detailed, sophisticated assault on John Kerry’s truth telling brought about with regard to Kerry’s excellent adventures in Cambodia tales…. This was done by the blogosphere-specifically Insatpundit…me, and a few others. We forced the story…. When FOX New’s Carl Cameron (no surprise there) finally reported on the controversy over Kerry’s very specific, very emotional and fictional accounts of his Christmas Eve spent in Cambodia in 1968, the Kerry campaign was obliged to recant those storied and then all of Kerry’s many fables were on the table. He never recovered from…
To honestly think that one minor story out of the SBVFT attack on John Kerry that he blogged about was the "Main"reason Kerry lost the election is delusional and sophomoric.
He then goes into the Trent Lott story and there he can’t help to mention that Eshaton, and Talking Points Memo broke the story wide open. It is this power that the left side of the blogosphere wields that is a danger to the right, and this is their chance to seize upon this non-story and try to cripple the power of the left side of the Blogosphere. Their goal is simple. It will be to make it a "one blog party." I'm sure more will come as the days roll on.