The draft issue presents a unique opportunity for Democrats and other progressives. It is an issue that we can define, and that can carry our message for why the occupation is morally wrong. Currently, the neo-conservative Republicans cannot touch this issue - and we should be exploiting this fact to our full advantage. The reasons for opposing the occupation should the reasons for opposing the draft. Since the war has already started, by opposing the draft now we move away from the past and into the future. But since the occupation and the draft are directly related, we can talk about the past in ways relevant to the future. Additionally, talking about the draft makes the war personal. We don't need there to be a draft for the draft to worry young Americans and their families. All that is needed is the reasonable possibility of the draft. And given the administration's past and current actions, the draft is indeed a reasonable possibility.
We are squandering our advantage. Once again, Democrats and progressives are refusing to take advantage of the opportunity before us. We do this for several reasons. Rather than use the draft issue to carry our message, we'd rather debate whether or not the draft may or may not occur. Just as the White House staffer said about us in the "reality-based" community, we're studying the draft instead of creating a reality out of it. Now, I am one for reality. And reality tells me that it's time for Democrats and progressives to not just study reality, but to also apply a few lessons of the neoconservatives by creating it as well. Take your head out the sand. Stand up. Fight.
If you think that the current army unjustly pulls it ranks from Americans of color, then talk about the poverty-draft and the right of all Americans to morally refuse to fight for an immoral and illegal occupation. No American, drafted or otherwise, should be forced to fight a war not related to the defense of America. It is just as wrong to be poverty-drafted as it is to be youth-drafted. Make this point, and connect to why we oppose the draft. We don't want any more Americans to kill or to die for Bush's war. We want all Americans to come home safely.
If you think that citizen-army is best for democracy, restore the republic first. Now is the not the time to be talking of the value of a citizen-army. Chomsky should know this. But if he doesn't know it or doesn't want to be smart about his rhetoric, we can just stop citing his reasons for supporting the draft. Chomsky is wrong to be playing into calls for the draft. A draft during this war will make the war effort stronger, and will result in thousands more deaths.
The smart political strategy is for Democrats and other progressives to take a strong, principled stand against the draft for this war. We oppose the draft for this war because this war is immoral and illegal. We oppose the draft for this war because we don't want more to die for a war that was sold to us on lies from our government. We want to bring home all the soldiers safely. We don't want this war to continue, and that is why we oppose the draft. And all Americans who do not want to kill or die for this immoral and illegal occupation better join us now - before it's too late. Since Bush will most likely call for the draft in the same way that he expanded state and police powers in the days after September 11th, we better be prepared for when Bush uses the next terror attack for his political objectives. If he wants a draft, that's when he'll call for it. We need to be prepared. Just like Bush tells it, you can fool me once, but fool on your for shaming me twice.