Listening to a short excerpt of Tim Russert asking Robin Wright how can we "win" in Iraq? She said we simply change the way we define "winning". So short of a cataclysmic catastrophe on a worldwide scale, no matter what happens in Iraq, it will be called a "victory".
No matter if we kill 200,000 Iraqis. No matter if we lose 2,000 of our own troops. No matter if the Shiites take over and form a theocratic government. It is all a victory.
Unfortunately, the present circumstances must change before we can declare anything. At present, it is an undefinable disaster. We have no idea the destrutive force we have unleashed upon the world. We have no idea when we will be able to withdraw, if ever. We have no idea how the future of Iraq will look.
If everything is a victory, then nothing is a failure. That is the new Bushworld. No matter how much they have screwed up the war in Iraq, the economy, foreign relations, our fiscal stability, it is not a failure. It is all a victory. Don't worry, be happy.