Not liberal:
8 years of bombing Iraq daily. Not to forget the horrible sanctions that France & Germany were threatening to abandon us about and sending Albright, Berger & Cohen out on tour to places such as OSU to bang the drums for resumption of the war against Iraq)
Iraq Liberation Act
War against Yugoslavia- without Congressional approval and like Bush without UN approval this giving himself the unilateral power to attack other countries
Bombing the Chinese Embassy
Plan Colombia
trade wars with Europe: Banana and Boeing
Telecommunications Act
Facilitating huge mergers in banking, telecommunications, the media, pharmaceuticals, autos, retail trade, airlines, railroads, oil, farming, food industries
Welfare Reform/1996 Personal Responsibility Act, which ended any federal responsibility to poor people
Anti-terrorism Bill of 1995 w/ destruction of federal habeas corpus
lots of lip service to the Kyoto protocol but no ratification. Sabotaged it by demanding higher US greenhouse gas emissions
Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, with massive federal aid to local police and prison construction
promoted health policy based on corporate profits
Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, that forced every telephone company in America to retrofit its phone lines and networks so they would be more accessible to police wiretaps
Breaking a sacred campaign promise he made to the Black Caucus and Black Community that he would not continue Bush's barabaric treatment of the Haitian Boat People & signed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, which expanded the use of secret evidence and virtually ended judicial review of deportation proceedings. the Communications Decency Act (CDA), an Internet-smut law the Supreme Court struck down unanimously the "war on Drugs" with the The White House drug control plan
Yes Bush is a lot worse but that doesn't make Clinton a Liberal.
On edit: And telling us to get over a "fair and square" Bush election twice.