A very good article, especially considering it's from the rightwingnut's favorite rightwingnut rag. Too bad more rightwingnuts didn't bother to actually READ this article. It's all good, read the full article, but I thought this "spreading democracy" was worth pointing out, as that ahs now become the
Bringing Democracy to Iraq
Sunday, Oct. 13, 2002
Bush's contention of being "a friend" to the "oppressed" people of Iraq and bringing "democracy" to them through the ouster of Saddam has a noble sound to it. But what are the facts? Who is oppressed? Where can "democracy" be found in the Middle East?
Iraq is the only Middle East nation, other than Israel, that has a non-Islamic, secular government. Except those bent on overthrowing Saddam, the citizens of Iraq are probably less oppressed than those in the other nations with Islamic governments. This is
particularly true for women. In the other Islamic countries they are deprived of many rights afforded male citizens, including education. In Iraq they are educated participants in government and society. What would be the status of anyone attempting to oust the royal family of Saudi Arabia, the ayatollahs of Iran or the kings of the other countries?
Iraq has a higher per capita GNP than Iran, Lebanon, Jordan, Bahrain, Syria and Yemen. It is over four times greater than that of U.S. ally Egypt. Iraq also provides health-care services and education. So,
if Bush is being genuine about enforcing "democracy" in the Middle East, the facts indicate that he should begin in any country other than Iraq. Egypt would be a good place to begin this effort. Or maybe Saudi Arabia.