Walter Storch, TBR News... He helped break the story of the media manipulations about this war when a Fox news employee supplied him with information about how they were suppressing and twisting the news. He also helped break the story about Bush's really bizarre behaviour that was alarming people around him.
Storch is usually ahead of his time with the news. You can get a feel of that here: Mike Hersch wrote him up in an article:
According to TBRnews, "This individual claimed he was developing serious doubts about the strict control of media events and decided that he would pass this material along to someone who might make use of it. There was the question of his job security. If someone published his name, it would be certain he was not only fired but blackballed throughout his profession."
Examples of pro-right wing edicts predicted by this anonymous source which found their way onto the television "news" include:
(Jan 21, 2002) . . . in any article on Enron collapse, it is not considered advisable to discuss role of K. Lay. Charges against lesser Enron executives to be stressed. Lay's extensive gifts to President to be limited to "small campaign contributions" and shift emphasis to large gifts to Ashcroft for his presidential campaign. Mention A's recusal from Enron investigations. . . .
(Feb 10) . . . It is not permitted at this point to use or refer to any film clips, stills or articles emanating from any French source whatsoever.
(Feb 26) It is expected that coverage of the forthcoming Iraqi campaign will be identical with the coverage used during Desert Storm. Shots of GIs must show a mixed racial combination . . . any interviews must reflect the youthful and idealistic, not the cynical point of view . . .
(March 2) further references to the religious views of the President are to be deleted. . . .
(March 15) photo opportunities of the President and members of his cabinet, especially Secretary Rumsfeld, with enthusiastic GIs . . .
(March 10) . . . pro-Government rallies are to be given the fullest coverage . . . if anti-Government demonstrations are shown, it is desired to stress either a very small number of "eccentrics" or shots of social misfits; i.e., with beards, tattoos, physical deformities, etc. Pro-Government supporters should be seen as clean cut with as many well-groomed subjects as possible . . .
(March 30) Friction between Secretary Rumsfeld and senior military field commanders in Iraq are to be strictly minimalized and used only when impossible to avoid . . .
(April 4) . . . sharply rising unemployment numbers, this should be countered with official interviews stressing that the unemployment situation is now stabilizing and expected to fall soon.
(April 5) . . . comments appearing in the left-wing British Guardian about the occupation and administration of a conquered Iraq by American military personnel are to be ignored. Pacification, liberation, freedom and gratitude towards US forces, and the President are to be stressed.
(March 29) The President's goal, to achieve oil autarchy by the United States, is suggested as a future series. Congressional denial of drilling in various environmentally "sensitive" areas may be derided as foolish misunderstanding of America's vital oil needs. The interdiction of oil shipments to the United States from Venezuela and Nigeria are not to be commented upon. The attitude of Chavez towards the United States is also considered a non-topic. He was removed from power once and it can happen a second time. File footage of large crowds of distressed and unhappy Venezuelans should be prepared against the time he is removed from power again. . . .
(April 4) If possible, pictures of the President with a book or, better, actually reading, are suggested. Commentary about his extensive reading habits . . . stress important historical and economic works. . . .
(April 7) Please arrange for photo ops of President visiting wounded GIs. . . . Use photogenic subjects w/good racial mix. Also try for pix of First Lady handing wounded subject a gift . . .
(April 7) . . . no shots of GIs looting in Baghdad. Iraqi looters should be described as "joyful" at being liberated by US. Looting to be described as a "deprived people getting food for families" . . .
(April 4) Alliance casualties to be played down. The massive Iraqi civilian casualties also played down. Use the phrase, "most civilian casualties caused by vindictive Saddam supporters." Again, no pixs of dead women and children.
(April 6) Artillery targeting of several mosques to be deleted. . . .
(April 8) . . . develop possible linkage between Iraqi mobs and US need to police the country for a "brief time" to prevent any attempt to stifle emerging democracy. Do not mention probability of continued large US military presence. Stress the words "restoring law and order" and "helping to make the transition to true democracy."
(April 9) . . . in coverage of rebuilding of Iraq's infrastructure, mention that American firms have expressed willingness to "assist Iraq people to build a new, democratic nation." No mention, by name, of Halliburton or Bechtel.
There are dozens of similar examples of strict control, verified by TBRnews. As Storch explained: "It was both shocking and gratifying to note that this proved to be the case in a preponderance of cases and so we began to put these up, either in toto or, more often, in excerpt and watch as ordained news was created before our eyes."
What is TBRnews?
TBRnews is a compendium of political articles, many gathered from prestigious foreign sources as well as from American news web postings.
The name, TBRnews, originally came from the Barnes Review magazine and the site began as a listing of historical books.
Under different management, it eventually progressed to a twice-weekly posting covering national and international news.
We have been accused of being neo-Nazis, Communists, anti-Semites, Christian haters, certainly not Bush friendly and guilty of treason, aggravated mopery, theft of mattress tags from cheap motels, chronic jaywalking and disturbers of the political peace.
I run this site all by myself with a little help from various friends, both inside and outside of the Beltway.
The articles not otherwise credited are usually written by myself although I do not take credit for them. The articles speak for themselves and I do not believe in beating my own drum as so many other journalists seem to enjoy doing. The message is always important; not so the messenger.
I try to answer reasonable mail and encourage the reading public to submit articles of interest. I am known to publish pieces that I do not personally agree with but which I feel are well-written and worth reading.
Contrary to the hysterical views of rabid trailer park Bush supporters, I was not suckled by a werewolf and I am not a member of the far left. In point of fact, I am a very disillusioned moderate Republican whose family were bankers, brokers and CEOs of various nice companies.
There does not seem to be much moderation left after the Bush people finished polarizing the electorate.
About Bush (in answer to a letter from a reader)
The newest postings will cover, on an aggressive and ongoing manner, the burgeoning guerrilla warfare in Iraq and the morass into which the Bush Administration has mired itself.
Given the President's mental attitudes and the religious and political mindsets of his top advisors, they have entered into precisely the same destructive end game that the US experienced in Viet Nam and the Soviets in Afghanistan.
The terrorists, or freedom fighters, (depending upon ones' point of view) will eventually win.
With the Presidential elections over a year away, Bush has two choices of action and two choices only. He can either increase counteractions against the guerrilla warfare or he can withdraw his troops and de facto admit defeat. His personality is such that the latter is not possible for him.
(lost the link but in the letters section of his web-site)
He was briefly discussed in
this thread a while back.