was up, every American should know this. If you produce more with less workers, absent any huge jump in technology or even technological spending - then obviously the ones still working are working longer and harder -
And it's the fault of
- the welfare mothers and cheats
- liberal tax and spend policies
- free medical for all those illegal immigrants ("Can you imagine how much harder we'd have to work if everyone got free medical? They can just work their ass off like I do and pay for their own!)
America knows they are getting screwed. But they listen to the hate radio nutjobs and are convinced that its because of progressive policies, not greedy corporations. Why? Because the greedy corporations own the media. And all those angry Americans need someone to dump on - it's either gonna be us or the corporate masters.
This is the message that we rarely get through. Most Americans do not want to send a sick child home to die because his/her mom can't afford an HMO. Most Americans do not want homeless people sleeping in the streets. But the ReThugs manage to convince them that doing something good for others is going to cost them personally. We need to show them that it won't.