Because it is the money in the SS system that is going to pay for Bush's taxcuts once they become permanent. Think about it. They say that in 2016, Social Security will pay out more than it is taking in. However, they don't mention the IOU's in the trust fund? They are in the amount of $trillions of dollars. They pretend that those IOU's do not exist?
Because in the Bush and Republican world, they have no plan to pay back the IOU's for which they have been spending like drunken sailors. Because if they have to pay back those IOU's, there will not be any money for permanent taxcuts. They plan on using those IOU's to pay for the taxcuts, not to pay to the SS receipts in the trust fund.
Let's ask the Repubs that one question: Do we plan on paying back the IOU's that are in the SS trust fund? Of course, they do not.