The Voice of the White House January 12, 2005: "Several interesting items, one only amusing and the other serious. The Bush people have received so many very serious death threats aimed at Our Beloved Leader that they might as well put a dummy in the Presidential limo on inauguration day. No one will talk about the volume and apparent seriousness of these ongoing threats and neither will they talk about the ACTUAL DEATH TOLLS IN IRAQ! You have been posting only the official figures which are not accurate. These OFFICIAL figures indicate about 1,400 are dead and perhaps 4,000 wounded.
Actually, and I have seen the figures from the Pentagon, over 8,000 are dead and over 15,000 are wounded, some maimed for life…blind, missing legs and arms or with the prospect of spending the rest of their young lives confined to a wheelchair in a Vets hospital with a permanent piss bag tied to a leg. This is the greatest secret and holds the greatest fear for the Bush people."
Is this possible?
Can we find out?
What about the parents, spouses or other next of kin? Can we find some way for these people to come forth with the names of their dead in order to compile an alternate, public list of casualties? Even if it's just 1000 more than the "Official Body Count", it would trigger questions that even the Corporate Whore Consent Machine (CWCM, NOT MSM) cannot shout down.
If what VOTWH claims is true, even by half of the figure he/she states, it could destroy the administration.
This could be HUGE if true. If true, it would go WAY beyond election fraud, because it could not be dismissed, and it would be so simple to explain.
If this is true, we would need help to get word out for people to come forward. We would need some method, some device, to allow the statements from the next-of-kin to be taken and recorded. Some "thing" that the names of the dead and their military ID & other info to be attached to for the record.
What does DU think about this?