Pro-life vs. Pro-birth
Vol. 2, No. 1--Pre-Summit, January 2005 is hearing significant outrage from grassroots Democrats on this issue. Both men and women feel abandoned by the Party leadership.
Progressive Democrats can and must help the Party's leadership understand the depth and breadth of support for reproductive choice and also how to articulate the progressive "pro-life" position. We must challenge the Right's narrow focus on birth - to the exclusion of the rest of life, before and after birth.
Progressive Democrats are broadly "pro-life" in a way that is more profound than the anti-abortion zealots. More innocent lives would be spared if America adopted progressive public policies:
Progressive Democrats recognize that children are more likely to be born and reach adulthood as healthy, happy, productive citizens when society honors potential parents' judgment about when best to bring a child into the world. The right to choose abortion must be protected!
Progressive Democrats also know that failure to do what it takes to produce healthy, happy, productive citizens leads to unnecessary physical and mental disease, crime, death, and the transmission of pathologies through the generations.
Thus, progressive Democrats urge support for programs that provide a safety net helping to guarantee the well-being of parents and children before, during and after childbirth. For those who choose to have a child, we support pre-natal nutrition and healthcare programs. After birth, progressives support universal healthcare, Headstart, subsidized quality childcare to allow parents to work, vastly improved public schools, and a national economic and industrial policy that produces quality jobs for American workers. Progressives also support well-funded and supervised foster parent and adoption programs.
Progressives believe strongly in unwanted pregnancy prevention. In addition to the provision of sex education courses, appropriate abstinence encouragement, moral and ethical training of youth, and access to safe and effective birth control and abortion services, progressives support the vast expansion of youth programs that, among other things, build the self-confidence and self-esteem needed for abstinence or the use of birth control.
Progressives support universal access to counseling and mental health programs - "harm reduction support" for all people; such supportive services play an important role in helping young people, especially, to resist peer pressure often involved in unwanted pregnancies.
Progressives also support a vast expansion of drug treatment programs that can help people regain the sobriety necessary for intelligent sexual behavior and reproductive decision-making - as well as to reduce drug-induced infant health problems like premature births, low birth-weight, fetal alcohol syndrome, etc.
Progressives support the education of women and the provision of well-paying jobs, each of which has been shown to reduce unwanted pregnancy.
Taken as a whole, the progressive Democratic position is vastly more "pro-life" than that of the Republican "pro-life" movement as it includes the additional following life-saving policies:
opposition to all but the most clearly defensive wars
a vast decrease in defense spending with funds invested in:
support for vigorous pollution prevention
support for a full-employment economy
support for the elimination of poverty
support for universal health care
You can help educate the Democratic leadership and others in a number of ways:
Contact Democratic Party leaders directly and let them know what you think and how you feel. You can find the contact information for your elected officials.
Support NARAL, NOW, Planned Parenthood, and EMILY's List -- organizations working at the local and national levels to preserve a woman's right to choose.
Learn more about the issue. See the following for details: Talk to your neighbors, co-workers, friends and family members who may be opposed to reproductive choice. Be respectful, listen to what they say, and practice making arguments broadening the focus from abortion to broader social policies essential for protecting and enhancing human life. Find out what works for you by doing.
Write letters to the editor of your own local newspaper to counter pro-birth/anti-life articles. You can find the appropriate contact information by entering your zip code at We've included an example below.
Call in to local and national talk radio shows. Tell people what you think and how you feel about these crucial issues!
Cal Thomas's blatantly anti-choice article, appearing in The Salt Lake Tribune and other national papers, drew the following response from PDAers in Utah:
Are you pro-life or pro-birth?
Cal Thomas' column on December 29 is full of misinformation. For those of us who were of age when Roe vs. Wade was decided, we may remember the untold number of women who either died or were permanently injured due to illegal abortions obtained under unsanitary conditions in order to end their pregnancies.
The legal right to a safe and sanitary procedure was ensured in order to prevent these consequences. Historically, abortions have been around almost as long as pregnancy and whether or not abortions are legal, they are still obtained. It is a false assumption that 40 million babies would have been born. It is far more likely that these abortions would have happened anyway but that a considerable number of women would have been permanently scarred or dead because of it.
There is a remarkable difference between being pro-life and pro-birth. As a society, are we willing to provide services to these young women in the way of parenting classes, child care, and education costs so that they are able to provide for their children? Are we willing to start funding our schools adequately so that all of these children will have equal opportunity, to provide access to quality healthcare for these children and their mothers, housing and nutrition so they can live a happy and productive life out of poverty? Or, do we simply want to force these women to have their babies and forget about them once they are born?
Laura Bonham
Craig Axford
Co-Chairs, Utah Democratic Progressive Caucus