What are the advantages of being the underdog? If people begin to realize that the Democratic Party is indeed the minority Party and is no longer capable of protecting their interests against the radical neocons now in power, would that change the way they look at the Republicans also?
The "liberals" have no power. The Republicans control every branch of government and are cracking down on all of our freedoms everyday. It is every man, woman and child for themselves. The Democratic Party is no longer strong enough to protect you. Do not believe the rhetoric by the Repub propaganda machine, like Limbaugh and others, that build up the Democrats and liberals as some type of credible opposition. They are not. We are all at the mercy of the radicals now in power.
They are going to put your jobs in jeopardy and they are going to raise your taxes in the long run, because there is no free lunch. We cannot continue to spend and go into debt without consequence. That is a reality. They will throw everyone overboard to protect the huge taxcuts that have been given to the wealthiest in this country and that includes "average" Republicans. No need to cater to fear - just state the facts.