I am doing a little research on the private savings accounts, which are just another way to eventually dismantle the Social Security System by defunding it. It is just using different words. I will post more later. I was outraged to find this statement by Will Marshall of the DLC/PPI, as I love the activities of Robert Borosage and Roger Hickey and this group.
Robert Borosage is a co-director of Campaign for America's Future. Here is
the website, a very good one.
They led the fight in the 2002 elections to save Social Security and
Medicare in its current form. They still are doing it.
Will Marshall, PPI/DLC, attacked them viciously in 2002, calling them a
union-backed group that can be compared to the Inquisition, latter-day
Torquemadas, who oppose change to the system.http://www.ndol.org/ndol_ci.cfm?contentid=251076&kaid=125&subid=165"Nothing better epitomized the hackneyed and reactive character of the
Democrats' 2002 midterm campaign than "The Pledge."
Like camp meeting converts swearing off demon rum, nearly every Democratic
candidate for Congress dutifully took the Pledge. They vowed to never, ever
allow working Americans to divert some portion of their Social Security
payroll taxes into personal retirement accounts. In leftish circles, this
goes by the name of "privatization" and is regarded as the ultimate
political thought crime. "
SNIP.."And lest Democrats entertain any impure thoughts about reforming
Medicare, the pledge also requires them to swear fealty to a new
prescription drug entitlement "that will cover all drugs beneficiaries need"
and that won't "push beneficiaries into HMOs and other managed care plans."
The pledge is the brainchild of the Campaign for America's Future, a
union-backed organization that is to Social Security and Medicare what the
Inquisition was to medieval Christiandom. Its latter-day Torquemadas enforce
New Deal-Great Society orthodoxy and ferret out heresy with religious
zeal..."In this article he calls prescription drug care "a lavish entitlement."
In this article he appears to be saying that the Democrats lost in 2002 because they opposed changing these programs. Come into the real world, Will Marshall.