Art Bell, Coast to Coast AMWas anyone listening to Art Bell Sunday night? I had a cold and was unable to sleep, so I had the radio on for background noise. About four a.m. EST, I drifted back into consciousness and heard Art Bell's guest, Michael Drosnin, talking about Howard Hughes. Drosnin is the author of "Citizen Hughes." Either the show's scheduler was lucky and managed to schedule Drosnin immediately after the "The Aviator's" performance at the Golden Globes, or Drosnin was brought in because of that.
At any rate, he was relating one bizarre episode after another about Hughes and his involvement with Nixon, Robert Kennedy's campaign team, and the CIA. Just before 4:30 a.m., Bell asked Drosnin what he thought about Dan Rather and the documents related to Bush's non-service in the ANG. Drosnin began to speak about this episode. He blamed CBS for rushing to production with documents that were so suspect. He went on to add that the controversy about the documents obscured the undeniable fact that Bush failed to fulfill his obligation to the ANG and to take the required flight physical.
Up until this point, Bell had been agreeable, but suddenly he began to get nervous. Drosnin went on about the myth of the liberal media and pointed out that the media are deferential to whoever is in power, especially a president (or, in this case, Bush). Bell was becoming palpably apprehensive; then he said, "we're going to a break now." I thought things were just getting good and was hoping to hear more. When the break was over, however, so was any talk of Bush and his AWOL episode. Drosnin went on to talk more about Hughes until the end of the show at five a.m.
Don't take my word for it. You can listen to the show over the 'Net, or you can download it in mp3 format. The remarkable discussion of Bush is in the last hour. Try this link:
Author Michael Drosnin discusses Bush's AWOL episode and failure to appear in Alabamaor if this is the wrong forum or a duplicate.