Edited on Mon Jan-17-05 06:26 PM by rainy
Dear Editor: In your Jan. 14:"A Haunting End To Hunt for WMD" you claim "While the official end to our hunt for weapons is a sad, significant milestone, almost more noteworthy is our --American's and the media's -- muted reaction to that news." I have four words for you: It's the Media Stupid! "If it's not on TV it didn't happen" is the mind set of America these days. I'll bet that before watching Fahrenheit 9-11 most Americans didn't know that Bush's first inauguration was widely protested. Do Americans remember the HUGE protests around the world before the war? Do they know that Bush is the most protested man in history, that the majority of the world was against, and does not support our invasion of Iraq, that Dan Rather's papers were never declared fake by the investigators, that his story was true; Bush failed to show up for a physical and failed to show up for duty, that Barbara Boxer stood up to protest the certification of Ohio's electoral votes, which hasn't happened since the 1800's, that Rep. John Conyers held two hearings on the gross theft of Ohio votes and the large scale disenfranchisement of many voters in Ohio, that Scott Ritter, a former Iraqi inspector said that Iraq had no WMD before the war, that Bush lied and continues to lie as people continue to die for an illegal and senseless war?
My point is that the media are corporate and being so makes them act to benefit their corporate selves and corporate advertisers. The liberal media is a myth. There are no pundits, commentators or journalist on TV who espouse a progressive agenda. They ALL give voice to the ruling class, the business owners, advertisers, corporations etc..., but, there is NO voice of the people. The people and their parties, the true Democrats and the Greens are being marginalized by the corporate media who stands to loose if progressives win office. The media are huge corporations who's owners want to own more and more media markets. Who will allow them more deregulation of the existing ownership rules? The Republican corporation party of deregulation itself. Honestly, who speaks for the people, the workers, the injured, the sick, the poor? Name their pundits! The media is center or right but definitely not progressive.
"It's the media stupid" is my new mantra. Until we the people take back our airwaves, which we own and get nothing for allowing huge corporations to use in return, we will keep being marginalized by the corporations who now buy our politicians who make laws to protect their interests. Who among us little men and women can compete with that kind of concentration of power and money?
So, I say to you the editors: If its not on TV it didn't happen and those who control what's on TV control our world and our beliefs. Unfortunately those who control what we see and hear have a neo-conservative, corporate fascist agenda: Deregulate, privatize, consolidate, use up the peoples of the world's natural resources for their own selfish gains for wealth and power leaving a nasty toxic waste for the grossly uninformed people who do nothing to stop it because they have no voice in the media.
The inauguration is coming and huge protests are planned for the event. I triple dog dare you to print the protests on the front page with intelligent statements made by those protesting so the people can have an honest discussion of the points made by the protesters. Many will be protesting the fact that there were no WMD. I challenge your reporters to go to the people and find out what they really think about that.