This is just my reasoning. I'm sticking my neck out on this one by saying it.
I have a fear that somebody might do something really bad on that day. It might be anarchists who care about nothing but their cause. It might also be a far right winger who thinks Bush is too far to the left.
The reason why I think this is because of the march I went to after the Iraqi war was officially over. People felt like they shouldn't come to the march, so they didn't. We had went down from hundreds of thousands of protesters to about 12 thousand. I was looking around me and discovered a heck of a lot of cops on horses and cops in general. It was argued that they were up there because World Bank protests were there that weekend, but I had been to protest on the same weekend of that before. There weren't a tenth of the cops. The real idea was to try to stamp out any form of protest against the occupation in Iraq.
The cops kept trying to scatter us and so forth. They almost went in for the kill at one point. At one point, some anarchists pulled some serious junk (don't know what it was because I couldn't see) and blocked the marchers. The cops decided to use that as an excuse to try to go after all of us. The motorcycles started racing up front. In one case, I saw a little girl get all snotty and stand out in front of a cop's motorcycle. One could argue that her parents shouldn't have brought her there, but this wouldn't excuse what the cop would do next. The cop screamed at her to move. She wouldn't move. He started up his motorcycle and started riding. He *would* have hit her if she didn't move in time. What if she didn't move in time? I would have witnessed a cop running over a child.
As we went further to the front, the cops were scattering us more. We were hanging onto each other not knowing if we were about to be arrested for no good reason or beaten up for no good reason. The anarchists had pulled their stunt, and now the cops would take full advantage of it. I was holding hands with some of the other protesters to try to stay together through the scattering. One girl just whined "Why don't they tell us where to go? We'll go there?". I just fussed out "Because they don't want us to know where to go". They wanted their excuse to get us. We got on the sidewalk for the moment. A few moments later, we went back out in the streets to try to continue marching. However, the anarchists were still blocking us and the cops were still about to go in on us. We had to start screaming "Let's keep marching!" to the anarchists and at the same time scream out "Cops, back off!" at the cops. After a few minutes, we got through the anarchists and the cops left us alone. I found out immediately afterwards that the cops had beaten up a libertarian.
What's the point in my story? The point is this. I fear that on January 20th, something really nasty is going to be pulled. What if it actually involved the president? THE COPS WOULD TAKE IT OUT ON EVERYBODY AND GO IN FOR THE KILL. They wouldn't give a hoot that a crowd is miles away from somebody pulling junk. They would take it out on all marchers.
This event is so different because the president will actually be a part of it, and because angry tentions will be very high. If something really nasty gets pulled, I don't want to find out that any of you all were in a lightyear of the incident. Plus, it will look like you're more there just out of hatred for Bush than out of hatred for his policies. Imagine going through junk just to be misunderstood.
This doesn't mean laying down and not fighting Bush's policies. This means picking your battles. I want everybody to seriously think about this before going to this protest. The truth is that if the cops beat the daylights out of you and arrest you for something some anarchists pull, it WON'T be considered an honor to America. The media will portray you and everybody else involved as some crazy ancarchist who is a supposed danger to America. They won't care if it isn't really true, I think they'll still claim it to be true.
Wait until later for the other protests to come. We will be having them. I promise.
For those of you who are going, try to stay away from anarchists. For those of you who don't know who they are, a lot of them might have an ANSWER sign. I think they're considered to be anarchists. Try to stay away from those people. They're polite to your face, but they will get you in trouble. They won't do it because they actually care about Bush's policies. They'll do it because they want to promote their revolutionary cause. They don't care much about anything else, so don't hang around them if you go to this protest.
I'm not saying this to encourage not fighting. I'm saying this because I've been in the game for a while. I'm a little unsure how long some of the others have been into this stuff.