This Washington Post-ABC News poll was conducted by telephone January 12 - 16, 2005, among 1,007 randomly selected adults nationwide. Margin of sampling error for overall results is plus or minus three percentage points. Fieldwork by TNS of Horsham, Pa.
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bush is handling (ITEM)?
1/16/05 - Summary Table*
Approve Disapprove No op.
a. The economy 46 52 2
b. The situation in Iraq 40 58 2
c. Social Security 38 55 7
d. Taxes 49 46 5
e. The environment 48 44 7
f. Immigration issues 33 54 13
g. The US campaign against terrorism 61 38 2
h. Health care 42 51 6
i. The federal budget deficit 39 58 3
j. Education 56 36 8
k. Restricting medical malpractice and
class-action lawsuits 51 38 11
l. Foreign affairs 51 48 1
m. The U.S. response to the South Asian
tidal wave, or tsunami 83 13 4 Americans Divided On Iraq War
Americans are nearly evenly split over whether the United States erred in sending troops to Iraq, with an increasing percentage saying they believe it was a mistake, a national survey said Monday.
Fifty-two percent of respondents said they thought it was a mistake to send U.S. troops to Iraq versus 47 percent with the opposite view. One percent said they had no opinion.
The CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll's findings from January 14-16 are a reverse of a similar poll taken November 19-21 in which 47 percent called it a mistake and 52 percent said it was not.
Support among Americans for the war peaked right after the U.S.-led invasion in March 2003. A poll taken that March 24-25 found 75 percent of respondents saying it was not a mistake and 23 percent saying it was. <snip>