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Similarities between Kucinich and MLK

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morgan2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-20-04 06:37 PM
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Similarities between Kucinich and MLK
Just read an article comparing MLK and Dennis Kucinich. Pointed out how their ideas are very similar. Only really scratched the surface, but I think it's a good topic to discuss further. Would be a good way of getting out Dr. King's "other" message and gaining support for DK if more people started pointing out their similarities. By King's other message I mean all of his ideas that went beyond civil rights.

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goodhue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-20-04 06:56 PM
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1. Dennis talked about MLK last night!
He said this:

Now Chet Quinn talked about Dr. Martin Luther King, and he gave a speech at Riverside Church in New York, and I believe it was in 1967, where he talked about the war in Vietnam, as destroying the hopes of peoples of two nations. Of Vietnam and of the United States. This war is already costing the American people, the treasure of so many of our young people, 500 casualties, as well as great financial losses. Now I am letting you know that I am going to be there for you every step of the way. And that we will either bring these other Democratic candidates into an identical position or we are going to sweep them aside as we go to the nomination.
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