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It can't get any worse than Gonzales? Who's Sam Bodman?

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poe Donating Member (554 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 11:10 PM
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It can't get any worse than Gonzales? Who's Sam Bodman?
66 year old Sam Bodman, who for a dozen years ran a Texas-based chemical company that spent years on the top 5 lists of the country's worst polluters, is Bush's choice as the new Energy Czar.
Bodman is the wealthiest member of the Bush administration with a net worth estimated between $42 and $164 million, the bulk of it in Cabot Corp. stock and deferred compensation.
Bodman's shoddy environmental record aside, he may also be complicit in one of Africa's deadliest wars.
In October 2002, Bodman's former company came under fire when a U.N. panel of experts produced a report accusing the company, along with several other US corps., of helping to fuel the wars in the Democratic Republic of Congo while he ran Cabot by purchasing coltan from Congo during the conflict and illegally plundering the country's vast natural resources.
Google: Coltan, Congo and Cell phones
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EC Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 11:46 PM
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1. In Illinois the Democrat Governor is being
harassed for hiring contributors in state jobs.....Why is this okay for * to do? I've got a friend in the Congo (with Peace Corps) I'm sure he'd love to see this...He's already mad as hell at Pat Robertson because of his diamond and gold mines using child slavery and also instigating wars...
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