This article should be pinned or highlighted somehow, this is about driving the final nail in our nation's democracy. It is rather blatant and a huge untold story. The Black Commentator and a few others have been watching this but the MSM hasn't a clue or is unwilling to speak the truth about what is going down. This article is the exception, though I have a criticism.
I am new here. First let me say that I believe there is a reason our country is going right, fascist and THEOCRATIC. There is a reason for this, it isn't a natural occurrence, it isn't happening as the result of the "free market" of ideas. There is a definite reason for our nation's political climate's direction. There IS a reason. You can find some my reasoning here: LaTimes article authors did NOT expose, as it should have in an article of this sort, how involved the Grand Theocrat, Moon, and his organization have been in the republican's efforts to theocratize our nation. They mention him but he should have been a star in this report. The conservatives have used Moon to promote theo-world through the Faith Based deal. Moon used his ties to the republican party to put him in a position to recruit among black ministers. Bush, wittingly or not, is helping Moon put the finishing touches on what Moon calls
"the natural subjugation of the American government and population." Moon is currently doing something similar with the United Nations. He has been promoting that a theocratic body be added to the UN via a Philippines proposal. In Moon's vision the new UN body will be above the secular UN. Gorenfeld posted an article recently which says the UN has laughed at Moon's and another proposal to promote theocracy by the Iranians. The UN may well turn Moon down, but in the meantime they did pass a resolution which is allowing Moon to promote his ideas within the United Nations and recruit for his own "Peace" UN which he has started.
You can read and watch some of those efforts here: and here and here is the resolution which allows Moon recruit within the UN structure. is from American's United and one of the must reads, imho. This is further to the mention of Moon in the article., in Washington, D.C., U.S. Rep. J.C. Watts, the House Republican Conference Chairman, was issuing press releases noting that the GOP's "faith-based" summit would be viewed by satellite at events in over 45 cities.
But if invitees took the time to read the fine print on the flyers touting the local gatherings, they would have learned that the get-togethers were sponsored not directly by the Republican Party but on its behalf by a group called the American Leadership Conference (ALC).
Reading further, they would have found out that the ALC is a project of the American Family Coalition and The Washington Times Foundation both front organizations for the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, a controversial Korean evangelist and founder of the Unification Church. The "faith-based summit" itself was sponsored by Watts (R-Okla.), Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) and other top congressional Republicans, but efforts to promote it at the grassroots level were turned over to a Moon organization.
Why is the Republican Party working hand in glove with Moon front groups? The partnership stems largely from Moon's phenomenal ability to make inroads in GOP and Religious Right circles. Despite his unorthodox theological views Moon teaches that he is the new Messiah, sent by God to complete the failed mission of Jesus Moon has had little difficulty penetrating the upper echelons of American conservatism.
While a number of Republican-aligned private organizations have promoted President George W. Bush's religion funding scheme, only Moon won an official relationship with the Republican leadership to rally grassroots forces on behalf of the "faith-based" summit. This enhanced status enabled him to do grassroots political organizing and religious recruitment with the apparent blessing of Bush and his GOP allies in Congress.
Frederick Clarkson, a journalist who has studied Moon and other far-right movements, notes that Moon specializes in the creation of "Astroturf organizations" – groups that appear to have grassroots power but that in reality speak mostly for Moon. Moon has used these groups to curry favor with Republicans for more than 30 years, Clarkson said, and is revving them up again to help the new Bush administration.
"Whenever the conservatives identify an issue as important to their agenda, Moon creates an Astroturf organization to create the appearance of grassroots support for these initiatives," Clarkson said._____
This is a link to the "We Will Stand" tour which was part of Moon's efforts to help Bush buy Black votes while promoting his theocratic dream. Moon traveled around declaring himself the messiah, handing out gold watches to bring in the crowds and having his back up people work with the ministers on how to promote/get funding under Bush's theocratization plan. that said, I do not believe that Moon is in this for the money, not yet. Kind of like when they asked him if he was KCIA, he said he wasn't "that small" and he meant it. At this stage it is all about naturally subjugating our population to an Americanized theocracy. That is the goal - increased control, influence will be his reward for now. Moon just wants to be accepted as a legitimate player for he knows with his zealous and manipulated/trained followers that is all he needs for they, with his template, will take care of the rest.
There is also a reason Moon has been having himself crowned around the world, bedsides being old and wanting attention, he believes he has won. I don't doubt that, look around.