First off, the Democratic Party can't win a Presidential election if its very livelihood depeneded on it. If you want proof, look at the past two elections. You can tell me Bush stole them both, but if Gore had just taken a few more votes in Tennessee, none of us would have ever heard of Florida. And Kerry got too fuzzy-headed for a lot of swing voters last year.
We need a candidate that can inspire people, energize them, get them to believe that by voting for this candidate they are actually serving some higher cause. Howard Dean was just such a man in the 2004 race, and it was only because of the behind-the-scenes Machiavellian maneuverings of a 527 that Dean was torpedoed in Iowa and New Hampshire, forcing Dean to blow his entire war chest, fire Joe Trippi, and watch his campaign self-destruct.
Also, Dean boldy goes where angels fear to tread. How many others were willing to say that America is no safer with Saddam Hussein behind bars? I admire his candor.
We need to re-energize the Democratic Party from the ground up, and I'm convinced we can only do it with an infusion of new blood, not another round of "more of the same." That's why I support Dean for chair of the DNC and President of these United States in 2008.