The UN is a glorified debating society. It was founded on the premise that all nations had a common interest and work together for it. That's just not true. It's simply too large, with too many divergent interests to work effectively except in fits and spurts. That's why the US has felt free for the last 50 years to disregard it regularly. I don't advocate the unilateralist position. I think alliances are a better way to go.
As for integrity, I fail to see any. The General Assembly gets hijacked by the Non-aligned movement in the 60s, which produces resolutions condemning the US for having the temerity to oppose the forcible expansion of Stalinism. Then, in the 70s, we get Idi Amin, IDI FUCKING AMIN, having a resolution passed in that Assembly implicitly calling for the destruction of Israel.
The UN sat with its thumb up its butt in the 90s while the Balkans went up in flames. Who went in to fix that? NATO.
Rwanda. Kofi Annan was the UN High Commissioner for Refugees at the time and did nothing. Of course, neither did the US. The US, however, did not complain of civilian casualties when the Tutsi army took over Rwanda while shielding genocidal maniacs who had slaughtered 800,000-1,000,000 people in just a few weeks. Civilian casualties are always bad, but I fail to see how degree of evil matches. People died when an outside force invaded Rwanda to stop ongoing genocide. By that logic, the deaths of civilians in Europe at the hands of the Allies were as much a crime as Treblinka.
I wasn't aware that I was smearing Democrats for being Democrats. If you meant my comment about FDR, it was a mix of fact and opinion. FDR was a great pragmatist. I feel that he made a mistake with the UN because he thought WW2 would somehow repeal national interest.
As for Ted Kennedy, I didn't 'bash' him for being a liberal. I called him an elitist windbag who has lost touch with an older, better Democratic heritage. Teddy is a fashionable liberal. He loves to argue the soft issues all day long, but can only blow wind when it comes time to make the hard decisions. As for the Chappaquiddick comment, that was pretty low of me. That I do regret saying.